Eight years ago, two friends heard about a miracle berry grown in Africa which had the incredible ability of making sour foods taste sweet. This natural alternative to sugar and sweeteners could be the new paradigm in society's diet.
After several years of research, these two entrepreneurs managed to get the European Food Safety Authority to categorise the berry as a "Novel Food", authorizing its consumption throughout Europe. Freeze-dried Miracle Berry is 100% natural and sustainable.
But natural does not mean boring. We have created a funny brand that satires the current Sweets and Confectionery industry which uses attractive claims or misleading messages such as "no added sugars" to hide their high sugar content.
This is how "FANTASTIC" was born, a satirical brand which seeks to expose the tricks of this industry in a funny way; a vindictive message adorned with a sweet and magical aesthetic.
We designed two packs, one for powder, which looks like a cereal box, and another for tablets, which resembles a stick of chewing gum. We also designed a methacrylate sleeve for a special launch edition. Inside both packs are a series of gift stickers with different provocative messages.